Dechlorination of chlorinated aliphatic compounds by micro - scale al - zn - mg fe powders as advanced zero - valent iron 复合粉体降解水体中氯代有机物污染的研究
Waxes form a continuous lipid membrance covering the epidermal cells of all aerial plant organs . it mainly comprised of lony - chain aliphatic compounds derived from very long chain fatty acids that are enlongedsfrom c16 - or c18 - long fatty acids in er by many fatty acid elongation ( fae ) complexs 陆生植物的气生器官的表皮覆盖着一层由蜡质形成的脂膜,它主要由长链疏水物质组成的,这些物质是特长链脂肪酸的衍生物。